
Luis Alonso Quesada Díaz


Luis Alonso Quesada is Partner in charge of Public Contracts and specialist in Administrative Contracting of CONEXA PARTNERS.

His practice focusses in Litigation Lawyer, Administrative Contracting, Commercial, Corporate, Administrative Law. He has an extensive experience providing advice in the litigation practice area, and with 20 years of experience in Notarial and Registry matters. He has served as Notary Public (Institutional Notary Public RECOPE 1998-2007) (External Notary Public, Municipality of San José 2012-2014/2016-2019), Instructor in Administrative Contracting- CapacitaCR (2016-2020), Instructor in Administrative Contracting- Chamber of Industries (2014-2020), Lawyer and Notary, and Legal Counsel at Refinadora Costarricense de Petróleo, S.A. (1998-2006 San José, C.R.), and as a Lawyer of the Administrative Consultation Area (From 1998 to 2002).  Participation in matters related to the implementation of atypical contracts and concession of public works, for RECOPE, S.A. projects, as well as experience in Administrative and Disciplinary Procedures, coordination of large-scale projects with companies in the international energy. He is also a member of investment project management commissions and analysis of financing alternatives with international institutions. Has been a member of the Board of Directors of the RECOPE Workers’ Savings Fund from 2003-2005.